This one was supposed to be a dress with rosettes in front. Unfortunately, after hours of working on an intricate pleated skirt, the creation collapsed due to the weight. Since I was tired and my fingers were bleeding from continuously pricking my fingers with pins, I gave up and threw a skirt on her. But I'm still pleased with how she turned out.
The one below is my pride and joy. This one took even longer, and I am extremely proud of how it turned out. The pants pockets are supposed to appear as a decorative hem of the skirt (I tried to stuff the skirt to pouf more, but the stuffing wouldn't stay in place. The pictures don't do this justice- it's really amazing in person, and I am actually surprised this came from me today, considering I was extremely tired and not in the creative mood (which is why I have no outfit post today). I can't wait for my store manager to see this, she'll be impressed.