Ever have one of those days where you can't seem to put together an outfit? Today was one of those days for me. I'm constantly coming up with outfits in my head at random moments, but then when it's time to actually get dressed, I can't remember any of them, or else they don't turn out the way they did in my head. So today when I was in a hurry to get out the door, I somehow came up with this edgy-business-prep school outfit at the last second. Totally unplanned random pieces,yet they somehow came together somewhat cohesively. Maybe I should stop planning outfits ahead of time. On another note, I'm completely infatuated with my new handbag. Looks expensive and chic, but I got it at Marshall's- I'm thrifty like that. Pardon my tired eyes and pale face...still lacking in the sleep department.
And of course I have to end this post with an adorable picture of Lia. Yeah, she's a keeper :)