July 26, 2012

July 9, 2012

Born Free

I'm baaaack!! I know, another long, unexplained absence. I swear, there's been so much crap happening this year for some reason. Every time things calm down, the shit hits the fan again, ugh. This time around it was Lia getting a massive ear infection, resulting in numerous (like, 8 at least) swollen lymph nodes all over her head and neck, followed by an allergic reaction to her antibiotics, culminating in a severe body rash. Poor girl was NOT happy. But she's all better now, thankfully. We also just got back from L.A. (ok, that's a lie, been back for about a week now) where we went to attend the Born Free motorcycle show as vendors. I had an awesome time, but it was a long amount of driving, being out in the sun, hotel rooms and we also lost two trailer tires on the way home. But I had a blast!! I was also incredibly drained of energy from lack of sleep and too much sun. The pics below pretty much sum up how I felt- lazy and lethargic. Excuse all the odd faces I'm making, apparently I get loopy in the sun.