August 11, 2011

I Can't Go For That

Dress- Forever 21; Shoes- Target; Jewelry- F21 and misc.

So I did a quick outfit post even though I should be frantically packing and getting everything ready for camping, seeing how we're supposed to leave pretty soon and I have yet to prepare anything. But I really wanted to show you this rad dress I got from Forever 21. I spotted it across the way and immediately barreled through the crowds like a linebacker to get it. Awesome, is it not? The denim vest/top with the sheer black paneled skirt is perfection. I love swirling it around too, makes me feel girly, haha. These shoes I bought on a whim at Target yesterday. I saw them before and wasn't thrilled at first, but then I've been looking for lace up sandals and these were on clearance for $14, so I bought them. I actually like them now that I looked at them again. They rub against my ankles something fierce though.

Okay, suppose I ought to get my ass moving and pack. Can't wait to stuff my face with s'mores and lie out on the beach! Maybe next post I'll have a tan. Or a sunburn, with my luck.


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