July 28, 2011

Surface to Air

Shoes- Surface to Air; Shirt, skirt, sunglasses and most jewelry- Forever 21

I don't why I do it, but I obsess over things like shoes or clothing, only to finally get it and wait months to wear it, like I'm saving it for a special occasion or something. Case in point: this awesome tribal print skirt from Forever 21 which I bought months ago for $6.50 (no kidding!) has been sitting on its hanger by my bed, waiting to be worn. This shirt also from F21 (sale for $12) is incredibly soft and comfortable and has been my go to staple this summer, the perfect baggy white shirt to go with anything.

But the star of this outfit, and what I've been waiting forever to post for some reason, are these killer platform heels by Surface to Air. I spotted them months  ago and could not get them out of my head, but due to their price tag, I thought they'd never be within reach. Well, after having their image permanently imprinted on my corneas, I decided I had to own them or die. So melodramatic, I know, but this is how badly I was obsessing over them. After sacrificing about half my wardrobe to the ebay gods and waiting patiently (a virtue I do not actually possess in most cases) these bad boys were finally mine. I almost hesitated when buying them, as I've never spent so much money on shoes, or anything else for that matter, all at once. But once I got them, I never looked back. Despite having a 6" heel, they're comfortable  and hours and a six pack later, I was still able to walk (although somewhat precariously) in them. Of course, being sober, I almost ate asphalt several times. Graceful is definitely not my middle name. Danger could be though :)

ps. funny story: while shooting these pictures, this black, flying demon spawn from Hell came out of nowhere and was like trying to attack me, doing kamikaze bombing in my direction. I swear, this thing was the size of a walnut and was buzzing as loudly as a chainsaw. I literally ran into my house (no easy feat in these shoes) to escape and had to wait for the beast to clear the threshold before exiting again. But I know he's out there somewhere, waiting for me . . . .

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