May 27, 2011

Like A Second Skin

Shirt-thrifted; Shorts- Express; Harness-DIY; Shoes- Forever 21; Rings- random
By now I'm sure everyone knows about my obsession with leopard print. Well, say hello to my latest love- snakeprint. I'm completely infatuated with this print! As evidenced by my growing collection, including this thrifted top. Who else likes snakeprint? What other prints are you loving? I also love southwestern prints! Actually any print is good in my book.

These shots were taken with a self timer, because unfortunately Mike broke my remote (which he blamed on Austin- for shame!). I therefore had to purchase another remote (my second in like three months). BIG difference going back to a self timer- quite a hassle. If you're lucky enough to have a photographer, well then . . . lucky you. Looking to upgrade my camera soon (from the Canon XS 1000D) to something a little more advanced. Any suggestions? Trying to keep it under $1,000 though.

Anyone have plans for this Memorial Day weekend? I'm sadly reminiscing about when we owned a boat and would go wakeboarding. But we don't have one any longer, so I'm going to use this weekend as a chance for recuperation, since I've been feeling under the weather lately.

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