April 12, 2011

I Want Candy

Shirt-Unif; Hat-Target, Shoes- Steve Madden;

Sooo....yeah, I've been a horrible blogger lately, only posting about once a week. I really have been trying to up the postings, but it seems lately it has been extremely difficult to accomplish even the simplest tasks. Even today's post was extremely frustrating. Sigh. But at least I get to show you this Candy shirt from Unif. You might recall in my last post how I was drooling over their watercolor dress, but it's sold out everywhere, so I settled for the shirt version. It's very vibrant and Spring-y. Even Mike liked it. And although you can't see them very well, my platforms are silver glitter. I felt very raver disco-ish club kid. I tried to take more complete photos, but as usual was pressed for time, so had to make do with these three. I actually took these outside of a grocery store before I went in to do my shopping. Talk about multitasking. So once again it's taken me forever to do this post and now it's evening and I have to still cook dinner and do the kiddo's homework with him. I swear I don't know where the time goes. Anyhoo, I PROMISE I will be back sooner with a post, but in the meantime, this is what's been happening/happened:

1. I finally had my tooth extracted (yanked out) and you'd think it would have solved the problem....nooooope. Still have a painful mouth that's making me cranky. The infection was so bad that it messed up my mouth and it's taking longer to heal.

2. I cut off about two inches of my hair...then made Mike cut off like five more, even though he strongly protested and now insists my hair is SO short, lol. But it was badly needed and now I can finally run my fingers through my hair without getting stuck and pulling a clump out. Still trying to convince him to let me cut more.

3. Sadie (one of my pitbulls) just had puppies!! Took like eight hours, and was pretty disgusting, but we now have six absolutely adorable puppies....along with our two full grown pitbulls and a chihuahua/terrier mix....and a three month baby....and a six year old. Needless to say, there is a constant cacophony of sounds reverberating throughout the house. Pics to follow shortly.

4. Working on a thrift/vintage store to put online. Thinking I'll start on ebay/etsy and work from there. Finding time to do it though is proving exceptionally difficult at the moment.

5. We (our family business) just bought a shop storefront, so I'm suuuuper excited about it, especially since it will help to finally give us more privacy at home.

6. Have some DIY's planned, along with some more photo tutorials, but again, time is an issue I'm trying to deal with.

and finally,

7. All my levels of Angry Birds have been defeated. I got Mike and Austin hooked too, so one night I was on my Iphone, Mike was on his Droid, and Austin was on my Ipod and we were all playing the game. Nothing like modern technology to bring families together...flinging birds. Now I'm bummed because there's no more levels to beat! So now I'm trying to break records. Maybe that's where all my time goes....

Say hi to me on Twitter and Facebook! I always say hi back :)

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