January 7, 2011


It's hard to believe 2010 is over already and 2011 has arrived. The year went by so fast, I'm having trouble remembering what it consisted of. I guess the major points were leaving my job at Forever 21 as a Visual Merchandiser (which I still occasionally miss), watching our business expand, getting a new puppy, Peanut, then mourning him when he died, getting a new SLR camera and an awesome car. Throw in the copious amounts of clothing and shoes I acquired and it was a pretty good year. Oh yeah, and finding out I was pregnant with a little girl after five years of trying was a definite highlight to my year. Due to the pregnancy, I spent the majority of the year eating sweets and gaining weight, losing sleep and excitedly preparing for her arrival. Now that she's here and the previous year is over, this year will be focused on losing all the weight I gained...and hopefully catching up on sleep. Here are some of my main goals:

1. Lose weight and exercise. I'm craving a candy bar as I'm writing this, so wish me luck.
2. Improve this blog and its contents.
3. Help our business expand more this year through advertising and networking
4. Get my family's finances in order, pay off debt, and then redecorate/remodel our home.
5. Enjoy the year and not worry so much about everything; basically enjoy life more.

What are your goals?

So here's a look back at my style from 2010. I'm constantly wearing anything and everything and I love to experiment, as you can see from the variety of outfits I've worn. Don't really expect that to change this year.

Last, but not least, I want to give a big thank you to all my readers, both old and new, and the support and wonderful comments you leave me. Through this blog I've made some great friends and I hope to continue to do so through the new year.


  1. yay finally a post! i've been wanting to do a post like this too but was too lazy to get around to it...maybe i'll do one too if you don't mind. oh hey i got exciting news, ill email you!
    i don't remember a few of those looks though, but they all look great! our style sure has changed huh!

    love ya!


  2. hey susy!!! omg just saw pics of ur little girl... she is amazingly adorable!!!!! sorry for being late but have been super busy with family and bf coming over plus school resuming and having to study for upcoming exams!

    hope to see some outfit posts soon on ur blog!

    u must be enjoying spending time with the lil one... she is just as pretty as her mummy!

    take care of urself and a big hug to the baby! wats her name btw??

    xoxo jenna

  3. Don't you dare change your style miss!
    I seek inspiration from a lot of people. You are one of them.
    I think the last 2 collages of your style, you moved to black, whites and grays (which i love).
    It was more "mature" and smart and very much stylish.
    Remain yourself and don't change for anyone.
    Ciao :D
    Say hi to your baby, wish i could send something.

  4. Cant wait for more outfit pictures this year!! and congrats again on the baby

  5. good luck with the weight loss, I LOVE jim morrison to death too! following you now, hope you can follow me back =)


  6. Wowza, what an eventful year! :D & your daughter is gorgeous, what an amazing christmas present eh :) How is she doing? :)

    Day By Diva
    Day By Diva
    Day By Diva

  7. damn you killed it all year! every outfit is unique.
    here's to the future :)


  8. i love this recap post! gorgeous outfits you've donned this 2010! glad to hear you had a wonderful 2010! more blessings to come this 2011 :)



Thanks for taking the time to comment; I appreciate your feedback and suggestions and you are what makes me enjoy blogging :)