December 13, 2010

Holiday Dressing

With only 9 days or less left of my pregnancy, I am so miserable and grouchy that I don't even want to be around me. My days are literally spent sleeping and waiting, accomplishing nothing and just waiting to go back to sleep again. The word "sleep" being used loosely here. The false labor pains keep getting my hopes up and I'm continually keeping my swollen, sausage sized fingers crossed that she'll come any moment. Like, as I'm typing this.

Because of this waiting game, I have found little motivation to get dressed, other than in anything that stretches. So for the time being, I've posted some fun holiday looks that I would love to be able to sport once the little one arrives. That is, if I suddenly get rich as well. My goal is to be able to get dolled up for New Year's Eve and not look like I'm still pregnant...which hopefully I won't be.

By the way, Polyvore is my newfound (well, re-found) obsession. It's kept me occupied today, which is good for everyone else :)
Paint the Town Red

Shining Hour

Romantic Splendor

Subtle Sparkle


  1. love these looks that you put together :) can't believe she's coming so soon!

  2. wow, I liked the metallic-y purple dress (even though I don't have the cojones to wear something like this, even for New Year's eve :p).

    I hope that your baby will arrive soon !

  3. I love the purple dress and the sequin pants!! yay for her coming out soon!!!

  4. the lipstick heels are totally awesome. that's exciting your baby is coming soon!! :)


  5. lovely outfits you put together, they look like fun outfits to wear to christmas functions. My fav has to be those green shiny pants in the last pic- sooo unique

  6. Good luck sweetheart, everything will be fine! I am sending you tons of positive energy!

  7. Nice blog. I liked it! You should visit and follow my blogs. I am sure that you will like it! Thanks..

  8. the red jacket and the black blzer are the best! ^^

  9. ps. added you to my favourite reads list :)

  10. You're living so exciting time! I hope all the best for you!

    juliet xxx

  11. Love these holiday looks, especially the purple dress. Hope you feel better! Congrats by the way. :)


  12. Oh my! I hope your baby comes healthy and pretty dear!
    I loved all these sets.. and as for your question, of course we can! I am doing it right now.

  13. I have been dying over those lanvin wedges!!! Why oh why are they so expensive.


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