July 17, 2010

Fringe Benefits

Yesterday Mike and I decided to go get some new tattoos. I was super stoked to get a new one on my forearm, and since it's really hard to get Mike going, I was even more excited that he so readily agreed since it was already almost 7 o'clock. Well, imagine my disappointment after getting to the place and being told that you can't get tattooed when pregnant. How come I didn't know this? Apparently Mike did and forgot to mention it. So now that's one more thing that I can't do for another four months. But in the meantime, I'm getting immortalized on Mike's arm, along with portraits of our pit bulls. I wonder if I should be offended that my picture is being included with the dogs? But seriously, it's looking awesome so far.

Since I can't do much else, I've been in a crafty, DIY mood. So I started this morning with shredding one of Mike's beloved Harley t shirts. He was not amused, but hey, it was in the name of fashion. And it didn't fit anymore. My outfit ended up looking like Pocahontas met Mad Max. Then I spent the next two or so hours in Michael's craft store. After deliberating for quite some time, I ended up leaving with nothing I had come for, and made several simple pieces I had no intention of making, ie. these feather earrings. But then again, I never do what I plan, which is why I usually never plan to begin with.

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  1. ooh cute shirt! at first i thought it was the shirt you just got from f21...love the earrings! how come we never make stuff when we get together? so mike finally decided to get your face on his arm? lol, lucky you to be paired with the dogs! btw, love the picture of tyson's ass in the first pic! nice pics :)

  2. That DIY shirt looks great and goes so well with feather earrings :) Hot mama fashionista :D You are so hardcore. Now I'm really tempted to get a tattoo either on my right shoulder in the back or little wings on the shoulder blade ... or on the back of the neck. Oh geeez this can't be good hahahaa

  3. Beautiful pictures,

    Olivia & Mariam.


    Kisses from France.

  4. I just discovered your blog and I really love your style! Your outfit is perfect and you're so beatiful!

    xx fesi-fashion

  5. love the top!! u look stunning dear!

    xoxo jenna

  6. Such a cool fringe shirt!! And I love your poses!! Of course, I'd love to exchange links with you! I already added you to my links :-) xxoxoxoxooo

  7. I love what you did with the shirt! It's pretty cool.

    I added your link already :)

    xox cathy.

  8. I love your DIYs. you're awesome :)
    and you look really badass here! haha

  9. i love the fringing on your shirt! and the feather earring is perfect! xxx

  10. The fringe on your shirt looks amazing. Great outfit!

  11. OMG that shirt totally rocks!!! Are you making a "how to" video on this? That would be awesome!!

    I had no idea that Lianna is your sister! You two look so alike though, like twins almost =) Two BEAUTIFUL women inside out, how lucky am I to be friends and to get comments from both of you? =) Hope you're having an awesome day! X0xoxO <3


Thanks for taking the time to comment; I appreciate your feedback and suggestions and you are what makes me enjoy blogging :)