June 19, 2010

Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

Sometimes I like to look like a lady. But looks are deceiving. Hence the title.

My bibles- Architectural Digest and Harper's Bazaar- both leave me inspired and depressed at the same time.

I've spent about 3 back-wrenching days cleaning and rearranging. This is part of the result. My husband says if the house is really clean and looks nice then it will motivate him to want to buy some more (and nicer) furnishings and decoration. Don't know if that was the smartest thing to tell me. Ever since, I've been like a bat out of hell, making everything shine. We'll see if he follows through- I've got big plans for our house. But the good thing is we finally finished bricking out patio; I'll post pics once we've obtained some furniture for it.

Aw, look at the little dumplings. No, that's not my children, it's my twin sister and I. Don't ask which is which, because I honestly couldn't tell you.

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  1. You really look like a lady ;)! Lovely necklace and shoes. And the photo of you and your sister is so cute!!

  2. Aw, dumplings :) You two must've been best friends as children :) So cute. I love the furnishings of your home so far. The red walls look so seductive and inviting. Hope you get the furniture you want :D

  3. Lovely photos!!

    By the way, I'm looking for judges for a blog contest and would love for you to enter! Click here for the details!~


  4. you look like a lady in her castle! everything is so well furnished and CLEAN! i really wish that in ten years i could have a house half as nice as yours.

    architectural digest is really the bible for diy interior design lol

  5. elegant classic accessories!!! love it! :D

    Animated Confessions

  6. Love the red wall and your necklace!

  7. great look for the room! and i love your shoes!

  8. love the red lipstick on you!


Thanks for taking the time to comment; I appreciate your feedback and suggestions and you are what makes me enjoy blogging :)