June 2, 2010

Now You Know A Little More

What a weird summer we're having. One day it's sunny, the next day we're having thunderstorms with hail. Mother Nature must be PMSing or something. But luckily I still have the opportunity to wear my cozy sweaters, namely this long, hobo-esque number. I love wrapping myself up in it or simply letting it fall from my shoulders. I try to pair it with more attractive pieces so as to not give the impression that I am homeless. Does it work? Doesn't really matter, it's comfy. I also wanted to show off my amazing bracelet that my wonderful in-laws gave to me. Each bead and charm is handcrafted and they have a whole array to choose from so you can customize according to your likes. Aren't they the sweetest? I'm a lucky girl. And didja notice the bangs? Mike convinced me to go back to them. And now they're driving me nuts. When will I ever learn? Probably never.

For those who are curious to know more about me, or simply those who are bored with nothing better to do, I've come up with a random list of facts about yours truly. Feel free to contact me with any musings you may have.

1. I am an identical twin. Yup, check out my sister Liana at Beauty Bag 411.

2. I was born in South Korea, but was adopted and grew up in the US. I finally met my biological mother (and older sister I wasn't aware of) in August of 2009. Total Oprah moment at the airport.

3. Favorite food(s): this is a tough one. I swear I could live on spaghetti (or any pasta really), salad, cold shrimp with ketchup, Korean food, gummy bears, and garlic. I have an obsession with garlic, and it usually makes its way into everything I cook. You don't wanna stand too close to me. I'm not at all picky about food, and will eat just about everything.

4. My favorite tv shows are Friends, The Office, Family Guy, and Everybody Loves Raymond. I watch these shows repeatedly on dvd. In fact, I play them while I go to sleep at night.

5. I love reading more than anything and I go through books like nobody's business. I'll read just about everything, but have yet to get interested in romance novels.

6. As much as I love clothing, fashion, etc., I'm really more of a guy's girl and than a girly girl.

7. I'm a huge dork. That's pretty much all there is to it.

8. I'm a sometimes artist who doesn't practice like I should. Art is probably the one thing I do the best, and I need to develop it more. I guess I would literally be a "starving artist" if I chose that as my profession.

9. Although you wouldn't know by looking at me, I'm 27 years old. Not 18 like most people think.

10. I'm only 5' tall. I like to think of myself as "vertically challenged" or "fun size", rather than "short".

My tummy's saying "feed me" so that's all the nonsense I can think of for now.

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  1. wow, almost all of those facts apply to me as well! :P haha, i like to think im travel sized! i like that sweater, although in some pics you look kinda like you're naked underneath...trying to get more of a male following are we? j/k, i love those shoes and that romper! i wanna come down there soon but we're broke...but maybe i can find a way :)

  2. you don't look 5' at all! your legs are long and skinny even in motherhood. that is amazing talent ;)

    i love this comfy look on you! it's still hot with the strapless dress and tattoos :D

  3. Aw, thanks Angie, you're a sweetheart! But give it time and my legs will probably look like fat sausages soon enough, lol :)

    Liana: that's what happens when you're a twin, lol. come down and visit me!

  4. gorgeous pics darling!!! and love the new bangs!!!

  5. gorgeous:) love the outfit and shoes!!


  6. you look great and I love your shoes too! Nice to read more facts about you ;)

  7. great outfit1 love the shoesss! =)

  8. that was interesting to read :)
    i went to your sister's blog, and wow, it's so weird because you two are really identical! it's like seeing you, but doing makeup. funkay :)

  9. You look great :D I love how delicate you look with the toughness of that tatt.

    Yeah, I eat everything too! And garlic is one of my faves :D

  10. You look fabulous! Love your long cardi. and I loved learning these facts about you! that's so great you were able to meet your birth mother.

    Liana told me you both knew Chase!! It's pretty crazy! :)

    clothed much, a modest fashion blog

  11. nice black sweater. =D


  12. I love your sandals!


  13. your shoes are cute!

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  14. thanks for all the comments girls! let me know if you want to know anything else :)


Thanks for taking the time to comment; I appreciate your feedback and suggestions and you are what makes me enjoy blogging :)