March 9, 2010

Open Mouth, Insert Foot

Been super busy lately at work, which accounts for the crappy posts I've done lately. It's actually going to be a rough couple weeks as we are getting ready to do our floorset (where we change around the entire store). My schedule will be 5 am shifts all next week, all midnight shifts (yes, midnight) the following week, as well as one more 5 am week. Great, huh? So there may not be a lot of outfit posts, just depends on how I feel. Super excited to see how it looks though.

As for this outfit: I thought I was downplaying the sexiness of the dress by combining it with a long sweater, and boots (combat boots at that, not sexy stilettos). Apparently, I didn't dress it down enough. I actually had a customer who had the nerve to say "I didn't know you could wear such short things to work". I was taken aback at first, so I replied, "Well, as long as it reaches my fingertips it's okay". To which she had this actual response (no joke!): "Well, I would never let my daughter out of the house looking so cheap".... uh, what?? As shocked as I was that someone could just blurt that out to a complete stranger, I calmly looked at her and replied "Well, it's a good thing I'm not your daughter then". She huffed and left the store. Wow, I had no idea some people could be so tactless and rude. I actually got a lot of compliments from my co-workers, including my store manager, so I thought it was fine. Of course after that incident, everyone made fun of me all day, calling me cheap and asking how much, lol. Which made me feel better :) Boy, if I wasn't on the clock though, she would've had something else to deal with.....


  1. oh wow you are so beautiful! i love the boots! few people can pull off something so bold!

  2. love the dress and the boots! very edgy.
    and that customer sounds really rude. some people are just so tactless when they speak.

  3. I likes all them. Knitted Hats, dress, boots...nice outfit!

  4. What a meanie! What was this assbackwards person doing shopping at F21, looking for petticoats and chastity belts?

  5. just came across your blog, i love it!!! i am definitely following and cant wait to read more of your posts. this one was so unfortunate, but i loved that you told us this personal anecdote to so we could see the outfit in a certain context. :)

    if my opinion means anything, i LOVE your outfit! i honestly dont think its cheap at all!! super cute! :)

    xoxo, rose.

  6. some people can be so nosy.. I mean, who asked her for her opinion about your outfit anyways !

  7. oohhhhhh

  8. Kick ass outfit. Love the combat boots, and the studded dress

  9. thanks so much for the support and comments! you guys brighten my days :)

  10. wow, you were a LOT nicer than I would have been.... but i guess the customer IS always supposed to be right, right?
    I personally think the outfit is fabulous, and the long sweater totally makes up for the length of the skirt. Totally work appropriate!


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