March 17, 2010

It's Anne with an "E"

One of my favorite movies of all time is "Anne of Green Gables". Perhaps some of you have heard of it or seen it? If not, I highly recommend it. It's a classic that I watch over and over again. It makes, me laugh, cry, and wish I was born in a different era. The story's about a quirky, redheaded girl with a fiery temper and quick wit who spouts sonnets and is always getting into scrapes. She starts as an orphan but finally finds a real place to call home. It follows her from adolescence to adulthood (which in that day and age was about 17). It's a very touching and charming movie and I cherish it each time I watch it because when I was younger my mother and sister and I would curl up together, make popcorn and watch it together. In any case, if you haven't see it, one of the great things about this movie is, of course, the fashion! I would love to have lived in earlier times where women dressed like ladies and men dressed as gentlemen. Wish I could've gotten better pics because there were lots of great outfits and dresses, but could only find so many on the internet. If you're looking for something to watch next time you're at the movie store, give this a try and let me know what you think!

one of my favorite outfits above

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  1. How I miss that show!

    My grandmother and I used to sit and watch it as a kid. Disney lost so many good shows :(


  2. aw i love this movie! didn't you buy it? we should watch it when i come up!

  3. OMG WE ARE SO ALIKE-THIS IS MY FAVORITE MOVIE OF ALL TIME!!!! NO JOKE! hah that is so funny!!! :)

  4. ok this is friggen crazy but i LOVE LOVE LOVEEE this moviee ! anne of green gables & anne of avonlea , I even bought the DVDs on im just a silent reader, but this most made me SOO exciteddd!!

  5. My elementary teacher loved Anne of Green Gables too and she bought me the entire set of books (because she knew I loved reading). Unfortunately, I never got around to reading those but after reading your entry, I'm intrigued. I love old movies!

  6. yay! i'm so glad i'm not the only one who adores this movie! too bad we all don't live close by, we could have one big movie night :)

  7. UGGGGGH I just realized that since I'm following u via twitter, I don't get your blog updates on my Blogger reading list!! No wonder I haven't seen any of these posts >.<

    Anne of Green Gables is one of my faves too! I watched the movies like at least 25x, and read the books too!

  8. I love that scene when she spells chrysanthemum correctly hahaha!

  9. I only know the Anime Anne of Green Gables, perhaps it's the same story? I loved the anime as a child but didn't see the another classic to watch :)


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