March 7, 2010

27 Years and Counting...

Well this weekend marked by 27th birthday. Hard to believe if you look at me; I still get carded for cigarettes and spray paint. I had a fantastic day at work Friday (my actual birth date). Kohl, Ashley and Alison all were so sweet and bought me this adorable red polka dotted dress I've had my eye on for some time, plus a baby blue blazer which is so cute. I wore the dress out Friday night to go to a local karaoke bar. Wish I had some photos, but unfortunately no one was able to take decent photos that night for some reason. We had a great time listening to people karaoke-ing who clearly did not care how they sounded . . . . including two guys singing a love song together. Hey, I'm not here to judge...
Sorry for the poor photos, just snapped a few before I changed to go out.


  1. hey thanks for following my blog.

    i love the shorts, by the way! :D

  2. Hi Wynne!
    Thanks for the comment, hope you'll follow me as well :)

  3. happy belated :) i like this outfit!

  4. Happy Birthday!!! How exciting, an anniversary and birthday one after another! :)

  5. aw you look so glamorous! what did you guys do?

  6. Hope you had a good birthday!!Great outfit!xxx

  7. Hope you had a great weekend and a happy B-day! You're right, you look very very young (and I really would like to add that if you want to stay that way, quit the Bad Bad smoking habit, please! It's not good for Anyone! I should know after waisting 17 years and A LOT of money on it!)

    xoxo, Prefecta
    Another Fab Day

  8. Nice outfit!! And Happy birthday ;)!

  9. You clearly don't look like 27 ! it's a good thing though..when you'll be 40, you'll look way younger^-^
    happy bday by the way!

  10. so lovely~thank to change your birthday. Obviously Mom will be happy.

  11. you look fabulous.. and just barely 18. happy belated!

  12. thanks for all the birthday wishes everyone, you guys are great :)


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