February 15, 2010

Warm and Fuzzy

Kohl aka Kohl Kovet Omega (his stage name) aka "Dork"

Today was the first real warm day we've had...I think Spring may finally be here. Today I went casual; both my top and pants were slinky cotton, so it felt like wearing pj's all day, great for a Monday. The fur is actually from a vintage sweater I got awhile back. I couldn't get the stale perfume smell out of the sweater, but then I realized the fur unbuttoned from the sweater, so I wore it as a neckpiece, which was great since I hate to waste things! I was going to wear strappy heels instead of boots, but I've neglected my feet all winter, so yeah...no one wants to see those feet of mine.

I'm up to 32 followers so far, not bad considering I've only done this for about a month. Only 3 more to go and I'll be able to complete my first giveaway, so keep checking back. I'm pretty satisfied with how my blog has been coming along, and I appreciate all my reader's comments and feedback. If there's something you want to see on here, let me know! I have many projects I hope to work on in the coming year, such as tutorials, DIY projects, etc...if I can find the time :)


  1. I love your outfit, the fur is a chic touch!
    Great blog btw, I'm following you now :)


  2. hi jessica! thanks for the comments! i'm following your blog as well :D

  3. ooh i love this one! your hair looks good too :)
    kohl is such a camera whore, haha, but he looks good too! keep it up!

  4. thanks sis! actually wasn't such a fan of this outfit, but it kinda grew on me. yeah, Kohl's a whore...always sneaking into my photos :)


Thanks for taking the time to comment; I appreciate your feedback and suggestions and you are what makes me enjoy blogging :)