February 24, 2010

Baby It's Cold Outside

My previous post in which I sported fuchsia locks received great reviews, so although I had made a vow not to dye my hair again, I couldn't resist changing it back to pink again. Only the underneath came out right however, since it was already lighter. But let me tell you, what an ordeal. The short version is that the extremely bright and thick hair dye settled into my scalp immediately (even though I never rubbed it on there in the first place) and the end result was that I had huge splotches of magenta on the top of my scalp. Really not good. I spent a good three hours vigorously scrubbing my poor head with shampoo, then rubbing cotton soaked in alcohol over the splotches. Finally I was able to get it to a point where I could go out in public without people thinking Jackson Pollack mistook my head for his canvas. Moral of the story? I need to stop dying my hair....or at least spend the money to have a professional do it.

Sorry the pics aren't the best. It's hard to look photogenic when it's freezing cold and little misty droplets are blowing at your face.


  1. It may be cold, but your style seems unaffected! I love your hair, great blog girl, I am following now, you can follow me too if you want! Kisses, Froso from StyleNirvana.

  2. youre hair is amazing! i wish i was bold enough to color my hair like that. Maybe i will now...

  3. cute outfit, nice hair! haha, that's funny about the hair dye though...:p


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