February 10, 2010

50's It Is

I've noticed that lately most of my outfits have had a 50's feel to them. Since I don't plan my outfits the night before (well actually, I've tried, just to reject them the next day)I'm usually in a rush to try to put something together in the morning. Sometimes I have a definite miss (I can admit it!) and other times I put an outfit together well considering I have no idea what I am going for in the first place. I think today was one of those days. I went to bed thinking I was going to wear a certain outfit, but then woke up late and hurriedly grabbed a bunch of items to throw on. But I'm pleased with how this turned out. The red gives it a nice pop of color I think. I must be going through a 50's phase. Before this, everyone said I was in a rocker phase. :)
So for my giveaway I wanted to do a pretty Spring theme, so expect lots of soft colors and romantic pieces. I'm not going to give away the surprise though, the lucky winner will just have to find out when she gets it.


  1. how cute! i like it, man those tights are bright! what about your tattoo, i thought you couldn't show it?

  2. lol, i know, the tights are like blindingly red! yeah...i kinda get away with showing my tattoo somehow, just not the whole thing. which is funny because everyone else gets called out for showing theirs. i must be special :)

  3. really bright red tights to my taste but u still rock this look! i wudnt be able to pull that off!!!

    xoxo jenna

  4. thank you guys! red and black are my fave colors! i didnt even plan this outfit, just threw it on :)


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