January 25, 2010

All Banged Up

Today was a pretty chill day for a Monday...except for the fact I got a bunch of picture frames dropped on me from overhead at work. I was kneeling on the ground and Kohl was on a ladder and a bunch of frames fell down and hit me. Luckily the glass that shattered didn't hit me though. You could hear Kohl screaming through the store, while I was so unaware that I didn't even notice what was going on. It was actually kinda funny, and now I can make Kohl feel guilty by saying, "yeah, remember when you tried to kill me" LOL. But now my arm hurts in two places. On another note, had no idea what to wear to work today, so threw this outfit together last minute. Not too bad, I must admit. Comfy, but stylish. Tomorrow I plan on wearing an outfit to enter in the Weardrobe.com "winter accessories" contest, so please watch for that and vote for me if you think I'm stylish enough! Thanks to all of you for your comments and support! I seriously read every comment and respond. You can also find me on Chictopia.com, a great website to meet other stylish people and bloggers. It's a really fun site, so check it out! Just click on the banner on the side to get to the site, and if you want to add me, just message me or send me a friend request. I am also on Bloglovin' and Twitter. Yes, I have sunken into the social media abyss.... :)


  1. very cute! i swear, every time you post something you have new shoes! am i gonna have to have a talk with kohl for trying to kill you? :P let me know when you enter the contest at weardrobe!

  2. thanks! they're the same shoes i've had for awhile. yeah, make kohl feel really bad, lol. i think i'm gonna enter tomorrow but i'll let you know. :)

  3. Ahah when i threw an outfit last minute, I don't look that stylish :p Awesome boots btw !

  4. cool outfit! cool blog! following!

  5. Thanks Carine and Roxana! LOL, practically the whole outfit is from Forever21 :)

  6. haha we're bowling soul sisters. i'm following you on twitter!


  7. Your blog seems pretty great to me :)
    You don'tunderstand how crazy I am about blue <3 my friends get so upset with my choice in shoes and the rest of my apparel...i always get drawn in


  8. hey i just realized, did you cut your bangs again?

  9. Whew, lot of new comments, which I llike! :)
    Ok, first:
    Danielle, thanks for following on Twitter, hope you will follow my blog too!
    Verseastyle: Thanks for the compliments!
    Ash- Thanks so much! Yeah, i love blue too; you should dress for you, who cares what your friends think? i've been made of for my fashion choices, but i have fun and like it, so who cares what others think? :D
    Yeah sis, i cut my bangs again...and they're already annoying me, lol.

  10. thanks! they kill my feet to walk in them though :)


Thanks for taking the time to comment; I appreciate your feedback and suggestions and you are what makes me enjoy blogging :)